Sunday, May 12, 2013

Oven Baked S'mores

Happy Mother's Day! I was so excited to try out my idea for baked french toast and I totally burned it! Not even a little. The entire top of it was BLACK. It's added to my "try again" files now! :)

Wanna know what I wanted for dessert on Mother's Day? S'mores. I'd ask for Salmon on the grill for dinner, and since we don't have a fire pit, using the coals was our next best choice. I enjoyed my wonderful salmon just in time to see the rain start coming down. Welcome to the northwest!

I had to have my s'mores. So I tried out an oven method. I'm not exactly sure how you're "suppose" to do this. But it worked! Now, I absolutely love melted chocolate, so I went ahead and stuck them in the oven, too. If you'd rather have your chocolate nice and firm, just add it on later!

I lined a baking sheet with some tin foil and layed out the graham crackers. I topped 'em with the chocolate and the marshmallow and stuck them in a preheated oven of 350 degrees.

After about 4 minutes, I turned the broiler on and checked them every 5 seconds or so (paranoid, maybe? Give me a break, I'd already burned breakfast). After about 1 minute with the broiler they looked like this. :) Mmmmmm!

Again, my tastes might be different. But I like to smoosh mine all flat-like. Other people like theirs nice and pillowy so when they bite into the marshmallow oozes out. I'd rather know what I'm getting myself into before I take a bite, but no matter how you like it, this is a great way to make s'mores when you're out of luck with a bonfire!

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