Friday, September 23, 2016

The Pineapple Effect

The Pineapple Effect: The memory of a seemingly insignificant moment having a lasting impact on your future thoughts and choices.

I made that up, so I'm sure there's an actual word for that same definition :). But for this, we're going to call it the Pineapple Effect. Pineapples will always remind me of my first time trying fresh pineapple. I had never tried fresh pineapple until I was 22 years old. I had just never bothered and always assumed it was as disgusting as they were to me on pizza. When I tried fresh pineapple I fell in love and never looked back! They always remind me to try new things, never assume you know the full story and never take yourself too seriously.

To be honest, this has been a long time coming. I've debated on this for months and months now, but have officially come to the conclusion that this recipe blog will no long be a recipe blog. At least, not just recipes. It sounds so trivial, but for some reason I had a hard time accepting that idea of including other bits of my writing here.

Mixing things up on a recipe blog seemed strange. More than anything, I've always felt a little awkward putting myself out there as a serious writer with valid things to say or with fun stories I've created. My first passion has always been writing. I remember daydreaming a vision of myself as an 8 year old in the corner of my room at my very own desk with my very own typewriter (go ahead and laugh. I'll wait..) furiously working to meet another book deadline.

I've always tried to keep writing as a form of an outlet for me. Being a stay at home mom has a way of tugging at everything you have to give, So I've felt it was important to have something that reminded me who I was, even if what I was writing was stupid or didn't make any sense. It's just what I needed for myself to stay myself. So here I am, taking a serious whack at it. Even though it's a big reach for me and I'm secretly scared to death that people will read whatever I write and judge me. I've felt very strongly that I need to put myself out there with what I have to say.

I did have a separate blog to give myself an outlet, but it gave me sooo many problems. I hated working with it because I couldn't do exactly what I wanted with it. So I just completely abandoned it. Now here I am, meshing things together and hoping the combination of everything works out. Yikes.

I guess we'll just go with the fact that my LDS centered blog is called Hot Cookin' Mama for life. Which, by the way, I swear I am not a self centered weirdo. The name of my blog originates from way back when. I think I was around 12 years old or so when my friend and I decided to break out her parents video camera and try to make our own cooking show. We called ourselves the Hot Cookin Mama's. So when I started my recipe blog, I made it just for myself not thinking anyone else would ever see it and went with my "original" cooking name ;). So, please excuse that. It's here to stay.

I hope you'll join me in this new, weird mashup of a website. I have a great first non-recipe post coming up for you!
5 Ways to Help Your Kids Feel the Spirit on the Sabbath

1 comment:

  1. That's awesome! You've just got to do whatever makes you hang and lets your message be known! Good luck!
